
Supported product_types for Motive Card

With this update, we have defined the supported product_types and their inclusions for Motive Card transactions.

Here are the list of all the supported product_types and their inclusions:

Product TypeIncludes
MaintenanceAutomotive GlassAviation Maintenance, Brake Fluid, De-icing, Miscellaneous Labor, Miscellaneous Parts, Miscellaneous Repairs, Motor Oil, Solvent, TBA(tire batteries accessories), Transmission Service
GasolineE85 (Ethanol 85%), Ethanol Regular Leaded, Ethanol Unleaded Mid Grade (88 or 89 octane), Ethanol Unleaded Premium (90 or 91 octane), Ethanol Unleaded Regular (86 or 87 octane), Ethanol Unleaded Super (92 to 94 octane), Gasohol, Methanol Regular Leaded, Methanol Unleaded Mid Grade (88 or 89 octane), Methanol Unleaded Premium (90 or 91 octane), Methanol Unleaded Regular (86 or 87 octane), Methanol Unleaded Super (92 to 94 octane), Regular Leaded Gasoline, Unleaded Mid Grade (88 or 89 octane), Unleaded Mid Grade Reformulated (88 or 89 octane), Unleaded Premium (90 or 91 octane), Unleaded Reformulated (86 or 87 octane), Unleaded Regular (85 to 87 octane), Unleaded Super (92 to 94 octane)
Miscellaneous FuelAviation 100 Octane, Aviation Fuel, Biodiesel (Non-Taxable), Compressed Natural Gas, Electric Vehicle Charge Level 1: 110V, Electric Vehicle Charge Level 2: 240V, Electric Vehicle Charge Level 3: 480V, Jet Fuel, Kerosene, Liquid Natural Gas, Liquid Propane Gas (LPG), M85 (Methanol 85%), Marine Fuel, Miscellaneous Fuel, Racing Fuel, White Gas
CashCash Advance
DEFDiesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF), Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) Dispensed
Reefer FuelDyed Diesel, Reefer
FoodAviation Catering, Beer/Wine, Milk/Juice, Miscellaneous Beverage, Miscellaneous food/Grocery, Restaurant, Soda
DieselBiodiesel, Diesel, Diesel Premium, Ultralow Sulfur Diesel (ULSD)
OtherAPU or Aircraft Jump Start, Aircraft Cleaning, Automotive Accessories, Aviation Accessories, Batteries, Boat Service, Call Out Fee, Cargo Handling, Charter Fees, Cigarettes/Tobacco, Communications Fees, Driver Rewards Promo, Engine Service, Flight Planning/Weather Fees, Ground Handling, Health/Beauty Aid, Instruction Fee, Landing Fee, Miscellaneous Aviation, Miscellaneous Other, Oil Change, Plane Rental, Ramp Fee
Parking and TollsTiedown and Hangar
Car Washes