how to get oauth2 scopes ?
Driver & fuel fuel/mpg
Is it possible to retrieve or calculate the mpg of individual vehicles and drivers?
Is Motive changing the Base URL of the API endpoints?
Yes. There is a change to the Base URL of Motive's API Endpoints.
How do I trigger the intital OAuth call?
Take the following steps:
How can I view some of the Camera Connection events?
To view the Camera Connection events of your fleet, you can use the following endpoint:
What are positive_behavior_tags in the v2 Driver Performance Events?
The positive behavior tags are added to a particular driver, if it is observed that the driver was alert during the trip and was not involved in any misdemeanors such as hard_accel, hard_brake, hard_corner, crash, or others.
What are the actions that I can take on Motive Cards and which endpoints do I use?
Motive Card allows you to take the following actions:
How to access recent reports?
Take the following steps:
How to view and download Driver's Inspection Reports
Motive allows Fleet Managers to view the inspection reports for the vehicles and assets created by the drivers through the Driver App.
How to configure Driver Privacy on Motive Dashcam using API?
Driver Privacy configurations allow fleets to ensure that driver-facing dashcams are only recording when there is a need for it.