Status Dictionary
For the dispatch end points, is there a dictionary of all the possible status field values?
how to get oauth2 scopes ?
Driver & fuel fuel/mpg
Is it possible to retrieve or calculate the mpg of individual vehicles and drivers?
Is Motive changing the Base URL of the API endpoints?
Yes. There is a change to the Base URL of Motive's API Endpoints.
How do I trigger the intital OAuth call?
Take the following steps:
How can I view some of the Camera Connection events?
To view the Camera Connection events of your fleet, you can use the following endpoint:
What are positive_behavior_tags in the v2 Driver Performance Events?
The positive behavior tags are added to a particular driver, if it is observed that the driver was alert during the trip and was not involved in any misdemeanors such as hard_accel, hard_brake, hard_corner, crash, or others.
What are the actions that I can take on Motive Cards and which endpoints do I use?
Motive Card allows you to take the following actions:
How to access recent reports?
Take the following steps:
How to view and download Driver's Inspection Reports
Motive allows Fleet Managers to view the inspection reports for the vehicles and assets created by the drivers through the Driver App.