Step 5. Get location updates for all your subscribed vehicle locations.

Now that you have subscribed to every vehicle you want to track using the freight_visibility/subscribe endpoint in Step 3, you can get all live subscriptions by a GET request to this one endpoint.

With this API, you can get location updates only for the vehicles that are currently within the start- and end-time range for the loads active for your brokerage.

The response reiterates the start and end times for the different loads on your platform, along with additional details such as the final stop, the vehicle’s location, the driver at the time of the update, and more. You can paginate through all concurrent records.

We provide updates for live loads only. As new loads fall into the start- and end-time range, they are included in our response for this endpoint. At the same time as new loads are incorporated, any live load that reaches its end point is no longer included in your subscription updates.


Learn more

Read our reference documentation about the Vehicle Locations endpoint for details.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!