Step 4. Complete setup: sync your dispatch locations.

In Steps 1-4, you set up TMS integration by synchronizing TMS entities. In this step, complete the setup by using either a POSTcall to create a dispatch location or a PUT call to update an existing dispatch location.

A dispatch location represents the location of a pickup, drop-off, or additional stop. This location can be represented using either an address, latitude and longitude, or both. Every stop on a dispatch must have a dispatch location.

We’ll use these APIs to create and update dispatch locations in the Motive system.

List Dispatch Locations: GET

The GET call retrieves a list of all your company’s dispatch locations in the Motive system. The list includes each dispatch location ID, name, address, lat, lon, arrive and depart radius.

Create a New Dispatch Location: POST

Perhaps you have found a recent dispatch location in your system that has not yet been synchronized in the Motive system. The POST call creates a new dispatch location in Motive's system. Provide the dispatch location’s name, address1, city, state, country; optionally provide its zip, lat, lon, arrive_radius, depart_radius, phone.

Update an Existing Dispatch Location: PUT

If you want to update the information about an existing dispatch location in the Motive system, the PUT call can be used to do that. It takes in similar attributes as the POST call.

Delete a Dispatch Location: DELETE

Now let’s say you have also found a recently invalid dispatch location in your system, which you also want to remove from Motive's system. The DELETE call requires only the dispatch locations’ ID.


Learn more

Read our reference documentation about the Dispatch Location object, the GET call, the POST call, the PUT call, and the DELETE call for details.

You’re done with the setup portion of our workflow! In the next handful of steps, you will use the TMS core functionality for your day-to-day operations.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!