Step 6. Get drivers’ available time.

Plan a dispatch with the most current input about drivers’ available time.

After you’re armed with the vehicle and asset information required for planning your dispatch, you need to know which driver to assign. Use our HOS set of endpoints to access the available time left in a driver's current cycle; this includes cycle, shift, drive, and, optionally, break time remaining in a driver's current cycle. The metrics are calculated on the fly, so the times are accurate up to the seconds level.


The GET call to the /available_time API lists all the drivers in your fleet and the HOS left in their cycles. You can include an array of driver IDs to filter your query. The response includes identifying driver information, duty status, their last few shifts, how much time they have put into their current cycle and how much remains, time remaining until their next break, and much more. Use this information to determine the best driver to take the dispatch and complete it in the time necessary.


Learn more

Read the reference documentation about our HOS Logs and about the GET Available Time call for details.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!