Step 14. Get and update inspection reports.

Steps 13 and 14 are all about maximizing efficiency. Drivers complete daily inspection reports as a part of their compliance workflow. Each inspection report can contain multiple trailer and tractor defects. In this step, use the GET method to retrieve inspection reports, and then the PUT method to update an existing report.

Use our platform to keep current with inspection reports. Drivers complete daily inspection reports as a part of their compliance workflow.

Daily inspection report records are each tied to both a vehicle and a driver. Each inspection report can contain multiple trailer and tractor defects.


Use this method to list your vehicles' daily inspection reports. You can filter your query for inspection reports by providing driver_ids or vehicle_ids, or by providing start and end dates for the time window. You can also filter by the report’s status.

The response includes identifying information for the driver, the reviewer, the vehicle, and the mechanic; as well as the report’s status (you can search for ‘all,’ ‘with_defects’, ‘with_no_defects’, ‘with_signature_missing’, ‘unknown’, ‘harmless’, or ‘corrected’) and a list of vehicle defects, if any were observed. Finally, you can search on reports updated after a specified date.

Please note that defects received with type 'none' are parts that were inspected but were found to not have any defect during the driver inspection. The other values for defect type, viz - 'major', 'minor', 'unknown' are the ones that contain defects of respective priorities with 'unknown' type reflecting that driver didn't choose to select the defect as 'major' or 'minor' while creating the inspection report

Should an issue in the report get resolved, you can update the report as follows:


Use the PUT method to update an existing inspection report. Provide the inspection report id in the URL, and then the report’s new status (this new value can be ‘satisfactory’, ‘harmless’, or ‘corrected’). These updates can come from your system or from a third-party system. Optionally provide your own internal ID for the report, using the external_ids_attributes parameter in your payload.

The response includes the entire inspection report for the provided ID, with its updated values.


Learn more

Read our reference documentation about the Inspection Report object for details.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!