
Learn what is a driver's score and how you can use this endpoint to view the same

What is a driver's safety score?

The driver's safety score is summation of all the parameters that include driver's behaviour across multiple events, such as hard braking, speeding, hard cornering, cell phone usage and others.

Motive examines all the parameters and assigns a performance band for the driver. This can be either Good, Average, or Needs Improvement.

The scorecard summary is a summation of all the driver's scores that is given to the drivers of a particular company/organisation. This summary represents how safe the fleet operations are and what needs to be improved.

The scorecard summary API contains the following endpoint.

Fetch a list of the scorecard summaries of the company's vehicles

  • Endpoint: v1/scorecard_summary
  • Description: As mentioned above, this is a company wide summary of all the driver's scores.
  • Use Case: The scorecard summary contains the names of the drivers, their ID, email address, and the events such as hard accelerations, hard brakes, and corners. The response also contains the number of coached events. This will tell you about the history of the driver, and whether the driver is improving or declining in performance.